

主演:乔安娜 范德汉姆,马修·麦克诺提,伊莲·卡西迪,斯蒂芬·怀特,埃蒙·埃利奥特

导演:Marc Jobst,大卫·德鲁,苏珊·塔利



天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.1天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.2天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.3天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.4天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.5天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.6天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.13天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.14天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.15天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.16天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.17天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.18天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.19天堂一刻第一季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-27 18:16


  乡下姑娘Denise(乔安娜·范德汉姆 joanna vanderham 饰)为了生计来到北部城市为投靠叔叔。叔叔开了一家服装、布料店,一直以来生意都还过得去,可现在街对面建起了全英国第一家百货商店——天堂百货店,绝大多数顾客都被它吸引过去了。叔叔没钱雇佣Denise,她只能去天堂百货工作。很快,就在店里展示出她的才华和机敏,并逐渐喜欢上了老板John(埃那姆·埃利奥特 Emun Elliott 饰)。John正和Katherine(伊莲·卡西迪 Elaine Cassidy 饰)交往,想通过她说服她的银行家爸爸借钱扩张公司。John的好友兼职搭档Dudley为人谨慎,一直尝试劝阻John不要太冒险,但John却一意孤行。  面对一座陌生的大城市,面对工作与爱情,一个乡村女孩如何生存和抉择?而城里的女孩又有什么样的无奈与悲欢?


 1 ) 华丽的偷袭


BBC的老牌编剧们怎么会甘心让ITV的称霸三季呢,于是,先是派Benedict Cumberbatch 来轰炸一战往事,现在又趁着这狗屎一样天气,推出了《The Paradise》,一档华丽丽的19世纪古装剧,一出19世纪的Sex and the City, 一家19世纪的Selfridges Store, 这非得把ITV 的同学们气死,他们正在拼命地制作Mr Selfridge,没想到BBC 先下手为强了。

故事根据法国批判现实主义作家Émile Zola 的长篇系列小说Les Rougon-Macquart (卢贡—马卡尔家族--第二帝国时代一个家族的自然史和社会史)中的第十一部Au Bonheur des Dames (妇女乐园,1883年)改编。Bill Gallagher的改编比起Tom Stoppard 忠于原著的一战往事,显得更夸张,戏剧,高潮迭起,给阴冷的秋夜带来阵阵的暖意,给圣诞的气氛带来欢乐的预热。

故事讲的是一个勤恳的小镇姑娘来到繁华的都市谋职,进入奢华上流的百货商店,大开眼界,当起了高级成衣的售货小姐。与此同时她纯朴的心也被丘比特射中,她爱上了野心勃勃的百货商店老板,但老板的心中似乎除了各种千奇百怪的发财点子,就是他死去的妻子。故事慢慢展开,每一集都汇集了各式各样的戏剧精华:爱情的种子,欲望的荒淫,嫉妒的流言,物欲的欢愉,商业的智谋,野心的阴谋,比起Downton Abbey一大家族的上流八卦,这部剧折射的是更多社会层面的生活:女主角是一个进城闯荡的小民工,男主角就是白手起家的凤凰男,女二号则是个能呼风唤雨的大小姐。配角们更多的是由工人阶级组成:一辈子勤勤恳恳的手工匠叔叔,工作高于爱情的部门女主管,欲望不得满足的御姐销售,死忠报恩的独臂老财务,务实稳健的男二号,甜嘴皮子的好人哥Sam,这些角色的原型拿到当代的职场都是可以找到对应的。

不但如此,个人本剧觉得最独特的卖点在于各式零售业战略雏形,19世纪的市场营销 :

第一集:大减价销售Sales when it is gone it is gone , 季节打折的原型,供应商先卖再结算,大量地增加了资金流动性

第二集:粉红小花明星客户 The Paradise Pink, Customer royalty Champaign, 忠实客户的嘉奖管理与特殊待遇

第三集:孤儿慈善公益PR, The Paradise Charity Tour ,品牌社会形象管理


第五集:Invitation only 邀请函专场,Ladies after dark, 神秘的情趣之夜,气氛营销的创意原型

第六集:高价的爱情鸟,个人认为至今为止最聪明的一招。高端的百货商店许多东西放在那里不是用来卖的,而是用来吸引顾客的,如今在Selfridges, Harrods 能看到这样的稀奇物品,比如一百万的伏特加,30万的鱼子酱,上千万的钻石项链。

演员方面来讲,比较合人心:女主角儿的扮演者年芳20,隽秀精致的五官,一脸青春的懵懂藏不住一双不安静的眼睛,虽然是个新人,但演清纯质朴的小镇姑娘一点也不马虎。男主有一张典型时而激情四射时而多愁善感的脸,一个深色版的法斯宾德,英俊多情而野心才是根本,拿破仑似的吊死男和Downton里儒雅的高白富马修兄弟形成强烈的对比,正好填补市场空缺。女二号的衣服比起玛丽大小姐,似乎艳俗了一些,但目光里的女王气质丝有过之而无不及。男二号也巧是我喜欢的类型,他在电影The Knot 里欢乐的萌样与这里一丝不苟的经理助理的造型形成一种有意思的反差,事实证明多面的演员才是好的演员。配角们的演出也算到位,Devil wear Prada 似的部门女经理,处心积虑要讨老板欢心的女销售,让人深不可测的独臂财务经理,连店里跑腿的小男孩也是个老道的小演员。

同学们,在Downton 不给高潮的日子里,看看妇女乐园吧,保证在寒冷的深秋给你带来一些欢乐。

 2 ) please lead in,girls

略带有灰姑娘的色彩,不过不是只会在小矮人的帮助下跟王子跳舞的灰姑娘。丹妮滋(几个月之前看的忘了名字怎么写了)她能够嗅出流行的趋势,颇懂营销,鬼点子比较多,刚开始看前面4/5集左右,还以为是一个讲女性类似杜拉拉的故事,especially when she said she want more.但是后面有些落入俗套,扯上了爱情,因此第二部就没看了。总结,从她身上得到的收获:do not stop thinking so that you can nourish twinkle ideas.

 3 ) 被埋没的精致英剧

The paradise 中文译名:彼岸是天堂/女人天堂,然后我在豆瓣上又发现这个“天堂一刻”这个翻译。2012年,BBC ONE开播第一季,2013年开播了第二季。但是BBC已经证实不会有第三季了,因为得腾出位置给新的电视剧。个人还觉得蛮可惜的

故事背景是在1875年的英国,剧情围绕这个The Paradise的英国第一家百货超市展开。John Moray是The paradise的经理人,充满野心和抱负,但是也有柔情的一面,他与可以给他提供经济帮助的银行家的女儿Katherine订婚;Denise Lovett是从苏格兰农村来的女孩,希望能够帮助叔叔维持生计,但是她发现the paradise势不可挡发展,于是去the paradise工作。

John Moray和Denise Lovett一见面便擦出火花。Denise Lovett是渴望经济独立的女人,在19世纪由男性主导的社会,她的精神和抱负很难能可贵。她为The paradise提供了许多新的点子以招揽顾客,而John Moray也被她深深地吸引。俩人之间的情感日渐加深,可是种种挑战和困难也横隔在他们中间。

The paradise单从剧情还是服装造型,我觉得都不输Downton Abbey。可是Downton Abbey已经出至第五季了,但The paradise两季之后就没有了,也有其原因的。

一是演员阵容,很明显The paradise差了一大截,看看海报就知道。这导致在剧情上,The paradise长期会单薄一些,不像Downton Abbey可以给观众回味和吐槽的地方。

二是主题,The paradise最初给我的感觉是Denise Lovett如何在男性世界中占据一席的主题,可是拍着拍着,这个主题感觉若即若离,有那么点像,又有那么点不像,导致我很难判定它。这到底是不爱情剧,还是女性励志剧?模糊的概念也会导致观众的迷茫。长寿命的电视剧,比如:Game of Thrones,我可以说:妖魔鬼怪打打杀杀争王位;Friends,,我可以说:三男三女喜怒哀乐,携手共成长;Gossip girl我可以说:帅男靓女,XXOO,华服美景,纸醉金迷......



Series 1 begins in 1875, and portrays the lives and loves of the people who work, shop and trade, in and around the first English department store.[8] The owner of The Paradise department store is widower John Moray. Moray was once a draper's boy in Emersons, the small shop that grew under his managership into The Paradise, which has come to dominate the high street to the detriment of small shopkeepers nearby.

Into this world comes Denise Lovett, from the small town of Peebles in Scotland, whose uncle Edmund is one of the shopkeepers struggling to survive. Denise takes a job at The Paradise and is soon seen by Moray as a rising star, to the annoyance of Miss Audrey, the head of ladies' fashion, and of Clara, a fellow shopgirl. Moray is financially dependent on Lord Glendenning, whose daughter Katherine is determined to marry Moray and sees Denise as a direct threat to her ambitions.

Series 2
Lord Glendenning has died and Katherine Glendenning has inherited The Paradise. She now has a husband, Tom Weston, and a young stepdaughter, Flora. Katherine asks Moray, who has been exiled to Paris, to return to revive the fortunes of The Paradise, and save it from being sold. Weston is determined to control his wife and The Paradise, overruling Moray to his own advantage. Moray's position at the Bon Marche is a reference to Octave Mouret's derision and constant competition with the same.


Series 1 (2012)

1"Episode (directed by) Marc Jobst,(written by) Bill Gallagher 25 September 2012 6.61
Denise Lovett arrives in a northern English town to seek employment with her uncle in his draper's shop. His shop is failing under pressure from The Paradise, opposite, the first high-class department store in the town, and cannot afford to take her on. Undeterred, she seeks a position as a salesgirl at The Paradise and comes under the watchful eye of the head of ladies fashion, Miss Audrey, and her exacting standards. She soon catches the eye of the widowed owner Moray, much to the chagrin of salesgirl Clara, who has slept with him, and Katherine Glendenning, daughter of Lord Glendenning, who expects to marry him.

2 "Episode 2" David Drury Bill Gallagher 2 October 2012 5.79
Katherine Glendenning brings her friend Mrs Brookmire (Olivia Hallinan) to the store to cheer her up. Dazzled by the array of goods and the attention given to her by Sam at the draper's counter, Mrs Brookmire buys so many items that Moray opens the first store account for her to settle the bill at a later date. Taken ill, Mrs Brookmire is helped by Sam. She invites him to the Glendennings' home, where she breaks down to reveal she has left her husband. She kisses Sam just as Lord Glendenning and Katherine walk in; he is accused of ungentlemanly behaviour and Moray is asked to dismiss him. The reputation of The Paradise is at stake; Moray wants to discover the truth, and Denise decides to help.

3 "Episode 3" David Drury Gaby Chiappe 9 October 2012 5.70
The discovery of a baby by Denise in ladieswear causes ripples through the store. Clara resents Denise's popularity, Miss Audrey fears her ambitions, and Arthur questions his own foundling status. Moray uses the baby to increase sales and Katherine pursues Peter Adler (Mark Bonnar), who runs a home for foundlings. Denise upsets Moray with her idea for a children's department using Katherine as a go-between. Clara is also upset when the foundlings are brought to the store and her affinity with one of the children causes trouble.

4 "Episode 4" Sue Tully Bill Gallagher 16 October 2012 5.14
Miss Audrey develops a mysterious illness, perhaps brought on by anxiety, causing her to lose her voice. Her absence creates a vacancy for a temporary Head of Ladieswear, and Moray appoints Denise as head because a potential client is expected to make a large order. This causes friction and jealousy between Denise and Clara, who tries to sabotage the order. Katherine enjoys the effect Peter Adler is having on her life, but her behaviour worries her father who accidentally wounds a beater at a bird shoot. Clara tries to seduce Moray once again. Katherine, unable to forget Moray, ends her friendship with Adler. Moray allays Miss Audrey's fears.

5 "Episode 5" Marc Jobst Bill Gallagher 23 October 2012 5.82
Bradley Burroughs'(Arthur Darvill) barber shop is in the way of The Paradise's expansion, and forces Moray to make him a junior partner. Burroughs meddles and causes consternation throughout the store. When Burroughs threatens to reveal facts about the death of Moray's wife, he disappears when Jonas takes matters into his own hands. Denise's idea for a "Gentlemen's Afternoon" is stolen by Miss Audrey and is a disaster when misunderstood by the gentlemen's wives, leading to Denise proposing another idea to rescue the situation. Miss Glendenning deliberately provokes Moray by shopping with his rival shopkeepers, giving Denise's uncle false hopes for the survival of his failing business.

6 "Episode 6" Sue Tully Bill Gallagher 30 October 2012 5.30
Exotic lovebirds arrive as a new attraction to be sold at the Paradise, and Pauline offers to man the counter in an attempt to impress Sam. Lord Glendenning offers Moray a bigger loan to buy the leases of every shop in the street. Moray commits to an engagement with Katherine. Despite the warnings of an experienced Miss Audrey, Denise is unable to keep her true feelings from Moray any longer. On the announcement of the engagement, Clara is dismayed, and Denise leaves The Paradise to live with her uncle, who had earlier struck Jonas after being goaded. Arthur fears what Jonas has done to Burroughs.

7 "Episode 7" Marc Jobst Katie Baxendale 6 November 2012 5.69
Katherine's wedding plans and her future plans for Moray and The Paradise threaten Jonas, whose presence upsets her as does the picture of Moray's wife. Denise's plan for a co-operative of the small traders in the neighboring street has some initial success, causing reduced sales at The Paradise, but fails when the traders fall out prompted by hatmaker Charles Chisholm (David Bamber). Lord Glendenning suggests that Moray and Katherine take an extended honeymoon in Europe following the wedding.

8 "Episode 8" David Drury Bill Gallagher 13 November 2012 5.77
As the wedding approaches, Denise returns to The Paradise. Moray confesses his love for her, and she responds likewise. Moray's resolve is tested when he learns that Lord Glendenning now owns the freeholds of The Paradise and all the surrounding shops, and insists that the marriage must take place. Katherine imparts this development to Denise, saying that it is she who will be responsible for the future of the local businesses, and threatening that Moray could lose The Paradise if he dares defy her will. Burroughs' body turns up in the river, and since Jonas is the main suspect, Dudley attempts to fire him. Dudley, as best man, prepares to escort Moray to the wedding, prompting Moray to realise where his heart lay, resulting in him searching The Paradise for Denise. The series ends with the lovers kissing.

Series 2 (2013)[edit]
# Title Directed by Written by Original air date UK viewers (million)[12]
9 "Episode 1" David Drury Bill Gallagher 20 October 2013 6.04
It's one year later. Lord Glendenning has died, The Paradise is up for sale, Denise is still at the department store, and the disgraced Moray is working in Paris. Katherine has a new husband, Tom Weston (Ben Daniels). Katherine recalls Moray to save The Paradise, though her husband doubts her motives.

10 "Episode 2" David Drury Bill Gallagher 27 October 2013 5.44
Miss Audrey's impending wedding to Edmund Lovett raises the rivalries of Denise and Clara as to who will replace her. Moray returns from Paris with the flirtatious Clemence (Branka Katić), to purchase the fireworks she supplies. Clemence causes consternation among the girls and annoys Weston, the owner of The Paradise, when she cancels his dinner invitation. The banished Jonas arrives in a cart half-dead.

11 "Episode 3" David Drury Gaby Chiappe 3 November 2013 5.50
The rivalry over the position of Head of Ladieswear causes friction between Moray and Denise. Tom Weston favours Clara and Katherine Weston, Denise, but she causes trouble between them that Tom Weston takes out on his daughter Flora. Dudley takes Flora under his wing, which makes Weston even more annoyed. The annual Paradise outing to the music hall is canceled by Weston, but Jonas engineers events so that Denise has to organize a music hall event at The Paradise starring the staff.

12 "Episode 4" Kenny Glenaan Bill Gallagher 10 November 2013 5.50
Tom Weston's plans to expand The Paradise will put Moray's hope of buying the store beyond his financial reach. But Moray takes on a wealthy backer in Fenton (Adrian Scarborough), who also wants sole ownership of The Paradise. A figure from Susy's past appears, following a break-in at Edmund's closed shop, which upsets her and she in turn upsets Weston's daughter, Flora, and Denise has to dismiss her.

13 "Episode 5" David Drury Bill Gallagher 17 November 2013 5.03
Weston is upset when Moray opens a department selling timepieces, taking the limelight from his new food hall. Moray schemes with Jonas and Fenton to further upset Weston by using Katherine's father's pocket watch as a centerpiece attraction, giving the impression that Katherine is still in love with Moray. Denise's modern methods attract Weston's attention and he offers her the chance to show the other departments her ways, which in turn upsets Moray. Meanwhile, Sam becomes obsessed with the watch and is convinced he has managed to hypnotise Susy with it.

14 "Episode 6" Bill Gallagher Bill Gallagher 24 November 2013 5.52
Katherine is terrified by her husband's cruel mind games and she confides in Moray about Tom's increasingly spiteful behavior, unaware he has been watching their intimacy grow. Denise sees the chance to use her business initiative when wealthy newlywed couple, young Lucille (Liz White) and elderly Campbell Ballentine (John Duttine), arrive in town and discusses the possibility of the husband investing in The Paradise. Moray's scheming with Fenton and Jonas causes emotions to run high.

15 "Episode 7" David Drury Ben Harris 1 December 2013 5.08
Weston hires photographer Christian Cartwright (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett) to take a family portrait only emphasizing Katherine's position in the family is fragile. Cartwright will also be taking the staff's portraits and he takes a keen interest in Clara to be his muse. Moray and Denise's relationship is still strained even when he reveals the plotting to wrest control of The Paradise. Weston asks Denise to create a new venture to upset Moray and she creates 'Paradise Postcards', with Cartwright, for their customers. Weston reveals Moray's plotting to Katherine and suggest she has a holiday abroad alone. A serialised ghost story bring Moray and Denise back together and Weston makes a proposal to Clara.

16 "Episode 8" David Drury Gaby Chiappe 8 December 2013 5.07
A smartly dressed French debt collector dies in the store shortly after the arrival of Clemence (Branka Katić) who is trading Hazard dice and Parisian rouge, a product associated with prostitutes, and challenges Denise to sell it. Clemence is confronted by Weston who has bought her debts so he can make her his mistress and dispense with his wife Katherine. Denise and Jonas fail to stop Weston and the task falls to Moray to recover the debt in a game of Hazard that culminates in The Paradise's fate being decided on the throw of the dice until Katherine's intervention. Denise finds a way to resolve hers and Moray's differences. The series ends with the lovers kissing.

 4 ) 逃避是人类永恒的主题,面对只是万绿丛中一点红

Katherine 的老爸很清楚自己女儿的脆弱,但和中国普天之下的父母一样,看不得孩子半点的痛苦,在自己的女儿之中放下更大的诱惑。

 5 ) 看简介,这简直是把左拉的<妇女乐园>挪到了英国,看完第集再来继续说几句


 6 ) 补充几张剧照

支撑我不跳剧看完前六集的动力完全就是它精致的布景(裙子什么的都好好看!还有一个就是语速和生词正合适,练shadowing的好材料~ 概述:故事围绕着19世纪末在一座北方大城市(Newcastle)里的英国第一家百货公司(The Paradise)而展开。美丽的Dennis从乡下来到城里投靠开布料店叔叔Emund,到了之后发现整条街上的商铺都没落了,客人全被叔叔店铺对门一家叫"天堂"的百货公司抢走了· 窘迫的她被迫在百货公司上班,并被公司老板Moray的魄力而吸引· 很快,Denise就在店里展示出她的才华和机敏,吸引了Moray的眼球· Moray非常有野心,正在与有钱女Katherine交往,并想通过她来说服她的银行家爸爸借钱扩张公司· 但他一直只专注于事业对结婚闭口不谈,让Katherine十分抓狂· Moray的好友/搭档Dudley为人谨慎,温柔和热心,他一直尝试劝阻Moray不要太冒险急着扩张,但Moray却一意孤行。面对一座陌生的大城市,面对工作与爱情,看看一个乡村女孩如何生存和抉择,城里的女孩又有什么样的无奈与悲欢。


 7 ) Close to the Paradise

In my opinion the BBC drama “The Paradise” is not a love story at all. It records a village girl Denise who succeeded in business through her intelligence and hard working. The story happened in the Tollgate Street which is exactly the epitome of the commercial forms at that time. The Paradise represented commercial revolution, and Denise’s uncle managed a small hand making shop on the opposite side of the street standing for traditional commercial form.

The commercial revolution ordered one-stop shopping mall for customers gain more comfortable shopping experience. The Paradise made active changes as far as it can comply with development trend. On the other hand, Denise’s uncle kept old-fashion operating mode even when the business was getting worse and worse. But Denise made a wise decision to catch time opportunity and gave new idea to the businessman Moray. As a result, they created upsurges in sales again and again. Denise won appreciation and adoration from Mr. Moray. With the commercial revolution at that time, Denise also broke cocoon into butterfly successfully. Undoubtedly, she could get close to her target as well as happy paradise.



  • 眠去
  • 还行

前几集还挺好看的 后半程好难看

  • Y
  • 还行

为了Matthew McNulty才看的,其他的真没多大意思!

  • fre_issey
  • 还行


  • 葳兰
  • 力荐


  • UrthónaD'Mors
  • 还行

john算是穿衣有型脱衣更帅。反而对女主denise 无感 总之 不太喜欢看古装剧 却剑走偏锋 在中国看美剧到美国看英剧。大晕蛋

  • Ahuang
  • 较差


  • 大-燕-威-王
  • 力荐


  • 推荐


  • 木火火
  • 推荐

Morey 哪里帅???

  • 王木木zelin
  • 还行


  • 鱼更
  • 推荐


  • startskw
  • 还行


  • Irgendwann
  • 推荐


  • 亵渎电影
  • 推荐


  • 咕噜咕噜锤
  • 推荐

每到阴雨连绵冷风四起的秋季,英国电视台一波一波的古装剧便是恰如好处的伯爵红茶。男一男二女一女二都不错,喜欢女二的衣服和她家里的华丽,最喜欢的,就是THE PARADISE,真是美轮美奂。

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左拉的原著是非常出色的经济学著作,而不是爱情小说。Matthew McNulty似乎更适合演Moray吧。Elaine Cassidy被毁成什么样子了,又老又专横,不过中间有几集很有爱也很深情算是有点小可爱。Denise的差劲弟弟直接没有了,然后叔叔居然跟Miss Audrey有一腿这个改编好奇特。

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实在对大胡子男主无感 爱情来得莫名其妙

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