神秘博士 第九季


主演:彼得·卡帕尔迪  珍娜·科尔曼  米歇尔·戈麦兹  保罗·凯耶  柯林·麦克法兰  阿舍尔·阿里  莫文·克里斯蒂  麦茜·威廉姆斯  Struan Rodger  吉玛·雷德格里夫  Daniel Hoffmann-Gill  克莱尔·希金斯  Kelly Hunter  Ingrid Oliver  里斯·谢尔史密斯 Reece Shearsmith  



神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.1神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.2神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.3神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.4神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.5神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.6神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.13神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.14神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.15神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.16神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.17神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.18神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.19神秘博士 第九季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-27 18:34


  神秘博士》(Doctor Who),是一部由英国广播公司出品的长寿英国科幻电视剧。此片描述了一名神奇的名为“博士”(Doctor)的时间领主用他伪装成50年代英国警亭的时间机器塔迪斯(Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space,时间 和空间相对维度的缩写)在时间、空间中旅行的冒险。他与其搭档(companion)在时间、空间中探索悠游、惩恶扬善、拯救文明、帮助弱小。  神秘博士第九季:http://www.bbcamerica.com/doctor-who/


 1 ) Run you clever girl, and remember him.

我对Clara的感情很特殊。 因为我看的第一集DW就是Dalek asylum。那一集我觉得非常精彩,才接着看了下来。因此,如果说11th是my doctor的话,那Clara就是my companion。 就在那一集,我钦佩她的勇敢,智慧,美丽和悲剧。我喜欢她红色的裙子,窝在沙发上的样子,要doctor用下巴和Rory的鼻子打架,说mum的口音,抱着头靠着那个不存在的门口滑落的样子。当时我在想,这剧的配角都这么棒啊! 直到雪人。不是巧合,第二个Clara出现了。后来Clara真的成为女伴,我想,这剧我追了!然后我才看了新版3456789。看过之后我也喜欢Donna喜欢Martha喜欢Amy,可是我最喜欢的还是Clara。 一开始,她是11th的Impossible girl。他们的故事每个都苏极了,有一种谈恋爱的感觉,不经意的搭肩和牵手。11后来没有追问,到底impossible girl是什么,直到她跳进了他的时间线。凭着“我必须要做因为我知道我做过了”这种无法反驳的勇气,她拯救了他时间线里消失的每一颗星星。 我本来以为她会死,真的变成无数无数的echo。但是她没有,她风光无限的搅和了五十周年和博士之时。当然博士之时是另一个悲伤的故事了,这里不再讲。只说她几句话打开了那个困扰11一代的时间裂缝,最后一次拯救了11。 第八季,不喜欢。这一季大部分的Clara过于sassy和control freak,我都不知道她是怎么了,还有编剧硬塞给她的pink,还有编剧硬抢走的pink。失去了pink的Clara终于丢了魂,在变成Doctor Clara的路上越走越远。无数的网友都在骂她,希望她趁早滚蛋。 我默不作声。 不得不说莫法特其实对皮卡叔和Clara的感情拿捏得很好,比如11最后给clara的那个电话之后,12那一大段的告白。 “你看着我,你却看不见我。我不在电话那头,我就在你的面前啊。为什么你就不能看看我呢?” Clara是12重生之后见到的第一个人,我觉得给这样的关系并不过分。在圣诞特辑里面尤为突出。两个人,相互欺骗,只是为了对方好。拥抱,因为这样对方才看不到自己悲伤的表情。最后雪橇上的Clara不愿意醒来,因为她知道她已经老了。虽然那又是另一个梦。但是我竟然觉得故事到这里就很好。 她握着11拉爆竹的手如今也苍老的和11一样,然后12握住了她的手。 这一季,不说什么了,整季都悲伤的不行。12每一集看Clara的眼神里都是舍不得。 我设想了无数Clara离开的场景,却真的没考虑到这么现实的一面。真的有点接受不了。但是后来看了一些分析,才发现,对,她就是有点狂妄自大,爱管别人的闲事,勇敢的要命却有点不珍惜自己,其实这样的死去挺好的。 我擦干眼泪,准备等下一个女伴。 然而11/12集没有给我这样的机会。Clara无处不在。 我之前不明白,为什么莫法特在采访的时候说,Clara的离去会让人悲伤几个礼拜。那是因为Clara的离去持续了几个礼拜啊!最后她被定格在两次心跳之间,要活不活要死不死的时候,居然就揭秘了她和doctor两个人才是hybrid。确实啊!他们变得越来越像彼此,这种感觉还是蛮绝望的。 12想要清除她的记忆,想要她好好的活着,她拒绝了。那是Clara最Clara的时候,她说,你凭什么带走我的记忆。 那个20岁的女孩,她的梦想就是去世界上许许多多的地方,你带她去了,你告诉了她那一片树叶发生的所有的可能和不可能,现在却要让她一切归零,她该有多绝望。 然而我没想到的是,这场漫长的告别的最后,竟然是doctor忘了Clara。这简直比Clara时间定点的死亡还要让人悲伤。 他记得她的旋律,记得那些事情,记得她是他最重要的伙伴,可是,他却再也想不起来她了,哪怕,她就站在他的面前,做最后一次侍应生,他说, “Clara who?” 然后他又笃定地说, “如果她再出现在我面前,我一定能认出她。“ Pathetic。 最后的最后,我还是等来了那句,在Clara老师最喜欢的小黑板上, "Run you clever boy" 可是, 他却再也不会remember you了。 我看着Clara的人生从一片树叶开始,到一只乌鸦结束。如果只用一句话来总结,Me说的很好—— “Sad, and beautiful.” ——To my impossible girl。 ======= 深夜语无伦次 有空再写个吐槽向的吧QAQ




 2 ) Doctor Who 标题出处不完全版

Series 3/Season 29
"The Shakespeare Code" - The Da Vinci Code
"42" - 美剧24反过来,该集形式也类似24。同时银河系漫游指南梗,也是新版DW一集的分钟数

Series 5/Season 31
"The Eleventh Hour" - 俗语,指最后时刻。双关11任博士出场
"Flesh and Stone" - 俗语flesh and bones
"The Vampires of Venice" - The Merchant of Venice
"Amy's Choice" - Sophie's Choice
"The Lodger" - 希区柯克同名电影

Series 6/Season 32
"The Curse of the Black Spot" - 加勒比海盗The Curse of the Black Pearl
"The Doctor's Wife" - The Time Traveler's Wife

Series 7A/Season 33, First Half
"The Angels Take Manhattan" - 1984年电影 The Muppets Take Manhattan

Series 7B/Season 33, Second Half
"The Bells of Saint John" - 1945电影The Bells of St. Mary's
"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" - 地心环游记

Series 8/Season 34
"Robot of Sherwood" - Robin of Sherwood
"Mummy on the Orient Express" - 东方快车谋杀案
"Flatline" - 经典科幻文本Flatland
"In the Forest of the Night" - 出自William Blake 诗歌The Tyger
"Death in Heaven" - BBC有部剧叫Death in Paradise

Series 9/Season 35 (12 episodes, 19 September 2015 to 5 December 2015)
"The Magician's Apprentice" - The Sorcerer's Apprentice
"Face the Raven" - Edgar Allen Poe, The Raven


 3 ) 爱别离

因为马女王才开始看的doctor who ,完整的看了DT的,开始看马特,PETER的完整看了这两季。DT的doctor对人类充满好奇和喜爱,"human is brilliant!"所以为人类痛失所爱,为人类出生入死,最后为一个最普通的人类老头献出生命。马女王上了年纪并以幕后危机里的高智商泼妇幕僚形象走红,所以他的doctor多少带着对卑鄙人类的厌恶,一副死人类最好的表情,对人类缺乏正常情感沟通,但是他们都是贯彻着一个最基本的原则,对朋友,对生命有着不能辜负的责任,因此,这才是整个DOCTOR系列最虐的,曲终人散,只剩下他一个人在灯火阑珊处。doctor就像彼得潘,在时间的永无岛里流浪,永不长大,但是小伙伴们来了又去。




clara说我并不害怕死去啊。这个圣母好讨厌啊。她爱马特的十一,爱mr pink,对父亲年纪的doctor像母亲带小孩,但到底有没有意识到自己也是爱他的,不是对亲人或朋友,是对恋人,因为不能忍受忘记所以宁可死去。



 4 ) 极度讨厌克拉拉


 5 ) You will never forget your first Doctor


当时我看DW,是因为时间旅行的设定加单纯的冒险故事,是一个避世的好途径。现在回忆起来,9叔那个年代(竟然已有十年)的特效蛮渣的,剧本也是儿童向的打打闹闹为主,就连重生也是随意得很连情都没煽一下。然而Doctor在我看来,就应该是这个样子,带一两个同伴,在时间空间遨游,观察而不干涉,鸡血而不疯癫。第一季印象最深的故事是Rose回到过去救父亲,然后撕裂了时间线释放了怪兽,最后Rose爹慷慨赴死拯救世界。这个故事的基本设定是,即使是time lord,也无权改变时间定点,既定事实就是木已成舟。作为一个时间旅行/穿越电视剧,如果不能尊重这个基本设定,那么只好是在作死的路上渐行渐远。


9和10的时代,基本上还是遵循了这个设定的,此时的故事也是轻松愉快向为主,偶尔吓个人调戏一下。比如我最喜欢的单集其实是10和Donna姐拜会阿加莎,总体气氛轻松愉快,中间有那么一点儿小惊悚当配料,还有对阿婆作品的致敬,再来上一句"We are British, we just carry on"装个X。又比如我最喜欢的梗是9和Rose教Charles Dickens用Expelliarmus。





Clara的出现本身也不是坏事,这个Titanic里的圆脸倔强女服务生还没出场就已经得到我满满的好感。Dalek Asylum 里面第一次出场挺惊艳的,Snowman 里的维多利亚女仆造型也是点赞。性格嘛,也是果断,脑子嘛,也是机智,本来是一个特别好的人设,就连impossible girl这样的金手指玛丽苏都不是一个坏主意。甚至于第八季被人诟病control freak我都能接受,颜好的人任性一点也是有资本的。


首先我难以接受的是910 Clara之挂掉,对,我也觉得她没有Doctor的好身板还硬要学人拯救世界/基友是主动作死不值得同情,然而编剧竟然真的狠得下心来让一个还算讨喜的同伴如此地die in vain,无法接受×1。如果故事只停在这,那么还算是一个干净利索的结束,只是有点狠心,可是911的45亿年无限循环又是什么鬼?什么时候Doctor 需要花45亿年的重复劳动去证明爱过?当初可是烧一颗恒星说个再见而已。无法接受×2。好吧你喜欢浪费45亿年也就浪费吧,反正闲着也是闲着,可是912里Doctor人设彻底全崩,冲冠一怒为红颜,整个宇宙被毁不毁都不介意了,请问这还是我们那个节制的,鸡血只为掩饰九百年孤独的可爱老小孩吗?无法接受×3。



 6 ) 【旧文新译】《神秘博士》导演雷切尔•塔拉里(Rachel Talalay)简介+专访


The Globe and Mail 环球邮报
Q&A: UBC professor went from Doctor Who fan to director of this season’s finale

Director Rachel Talalay on the set of Doctor Who. 导演雷切尔·塔拉里在《神秘博士》片场。
(BBC Worldwide)(BBC环球)
Rachel Talalay, a University of British Columbia film professor, fell in love with the British TV series Doctor Who after it was rebooted. Some people might have just bought a DVD set, but Prof. Talalay put in a pitch to get work directing the show.


And she eventually got the job.


When she’s not in the classroom, Prof. Talalay is on sets. She was a producer for U.S. filmmaker John Waters, produced some of the original Nightmare on Elm Street movies and directed the sixth film in the series. In 1995, she directed the cult sci-fi film Tank Girl. She has had a long run directing TV series, including work on Ally McBeal, and lately she has called the shots for episodes of Bomb Girls, Reign and Continuum.
塔拉里教授平常不是在教室里,就是在片场。她曾为美国电影人约翰·沃特斯做制片人,制作了几部老版《猛鬼街》电影,并执导了这个系列的第六部。在1995年,她制作了邪典科幻电影《坦克女郎》。她曾长期执导电视剧,包括《甜心俏佳人》,Bomb Girls, Reign and Continuum是她最新拍摄的电视剧。
Before all this, she was a child in England watching Doctor Who. A jewel in the crown of British pop culture, the series debuted in 1963, went off the air in 1989 and returned in 2005. The series chronicles the adventures of an alien being who travels in time, facing threats such as Daleks, Cybermen and the Weeping Angels.
The Doctor occasionally regenerates himself physically, which has allowed 12 actors to play him. The latest, cast last August, is 56-year-old Peter Capaldi.


This summer, Ms. Talalay got the Doctor Who call and went to Cardiff, Wales, where the show is shot, to direct two episodes. On Aug. 23, the Space channel, in Canada, will begin running the first season of episodes featuring Mr. Capaldi. Ms. Talalay’s episodes will cap the season when they air in November.
Ms. Talalay spoke to The Globe and Mail from Cardiff.

今年夏天,塔拉里女士接到了《神秘博士》剧组的电话,她到了此剧的拍摄地——威尔士卡迪夫,来执导两集《神秘博士》。8月23日,皮卡将在加拿大的Space Channel开始这一季第一阶段的拍摄。塔拉里女士的部分要等到十一月份再拍。


What can you tell me about the episodes you worked on?
I am doing the two-part finale. Both parts were written by Steven Moffat, which is fantastic. There’s so much action and effects and emotional material. It’s a Cyberman episode. We shot in London for two days. One day we shot outside St. Paul’s Cathedral. There were a billion tourists circling us while we were trying to film. Part of what we were tasked to do was replicate some classic shots – from the sixties show – of the Cybermen outside St. Paul’s. It’s a whole new story.



What was that day at St. Paul’s like?
We had a big scene with Peter Capaldi and Michelle Gomez – a dialogue scene. We had about seven hours of shooting and quite a bit of material to cover. I didn’t factor in that we were basically given five-minute periods to shoot, then we had to let pedestrians cross. So for every five minutes of shooting, we had about 20 minutes of moving pedestrians. It was very hot as well, which made it also very hard. The Cybermen were scorching hot in their suits. You’re all the time worried they’re going to pass out.


皮卡和Michelle Gomez有个比较大的场景——是一个对话场景。我们大概拍了七个小时,但是只拍到很少的素材。这还不算那些拍个五分钟就得等行人通过的情况。我们每拍五分钟,就要留出大约20分钟让行人通过。天气也很热,拍摄起来很困难。那些赛博人在壳子里都要烤糊了。我一直担心他们会晕倒。

You’re trying not to have all your scenes prerecorded and posted on people’s iPhones and on the Internet before you have finished your own shooting. You’re trying your hardest just to keep focused. You just go, ‘Here are my priority shots. Here’s the absolute minimum we need to get, and let’s just stay concentrated on that.’


How did this gig come about?
I campaigned very specifically to get on Doctor Who. The minute I saw the reboot – which I was very skeptical about before I saw it – I saw how good it was. I have an agent in the U.K. I said to her, ‘Get an interview if possible.’ I had done The Wind in the Willows, which Mark Gatiss was in. I said to Mark as well, ‘Could you please put in a good word for me?’ I sent a reel full of effects and action to show I was not just any old filmmaker, but had experience in that world. As a woman, you have to remind people you do the things that you do. From the time my agent contacted me and said, ‘There are two episodes. Are you interested?’ to my leaving B.C. was nine days.
What did the Doctor Who team say about why they wanted you?
I said to Steven Moffat, ‘If I was to read the Internet I would believe you only hired me because you were pressured to hire a woman.’ He said, ‘I think they need to know I hired you because of your reel and your material and what we believed you would bring to it.’ I know that I brought effects experience, but I don’t know what makes anybody hire any director, really.



Visual effects. Is that a challenge many female filmmakers face in securing work?
I’ve been incredibly, incredibly fortunate. Early in my career when I did the Nightmare on Elm Street films, I was exposed significantly to visual effects and to action and to makeup effects and mechanical effects. There are many, many women filmmakers who are pigeonholed into women’s stories. I’ve never had that problem. I love visual effects. I love action. I love that kind of material. A lot of women filmmakers say, ‘How come you get those projects?’ You have to prove yourself. Women, more than men, have to prove themselves.
What advice would you offer to starting female filmmakers on this issue?
To do whatever you can to get the experience even if it’s shorts and also to learn those crafts. Doing effects is really hard. You have to make certain decisions and you have to think in a certain way. Spending the time to really understand what’s required in the shooting of action and effects, getting that experience even if it’s shadowing or meeting with visual effects companies and going into the editing room. All those elements will help because it isn’t the same type of filmmaking as dramatic filmmaking. As I said, I was just lucky that I ended up on theNightmare films. I engaged so strongly with how you make these films as good as possible with so little money.
What did you see in the Doctor Who material that said to you, ‘I want to get in on this?’
It looked so amazing. What they did in every episode is totally different. Every episode is a small film. The great thing about time travel is past, present, future, fantasy. Everything and anything is fair game so every week you are going to go into a completely different world. There is only standing set in the BBC studio for Doctor Who and that’s the Tardis. Most shows run with, ‘Here’s your police station and here’s your apartment …” – all their standing sets. To start from scratch with ‘What world is it this episode?’ I thought, ‘How are they doing this? How are they accomplishing this and keeping this quality?’
And then why are these scripts so good? There’s so much humanity in them? Sometimes you are on shows that are very, very visual and then you can slack off on the acting. Sometimes you are on shows that are very, very dramatic and you can slack off on the visual. In Doctor Who, everything was equally important. The story itself. The acting. The emotionality. And the visuals. There was no room for, ‘Ah. This is good enough for this show.’ It was, ‘It has to be at its peak.’
Did you watch Doctor Who when you were a child?
Yes. I grew up in the U.S. My first memories of watching science fiction were Outer Limits and Star Trek. Then we spent two different years when I was growing up in the U.K. My parents are British. That’s where Doctor Who became part of my vocabulary. Tom Baker was my Doctor when I was growing up. And I was fortunate to work with him on a show called Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased). That was my next Doctor Who exposure – getting to work with Tom.
看。我在英国长大的。我对于看科幻故事的最初印象是《迷离档案》和《星际旅行》。我在英国待了两年。我父母是英国人,在英国我学会了神秘博士这个词。在我小时候正赶上汤姆·贝克演的博士。我很幸运在《Randall and Hopkirk》(抱歉,没有译名)这部戏里跟他合作。和汤姆一起工作,这就是我对于《神秘博士》热爱的延伸。
Peter Capaldi is relatively new as a Doctor. Has he found the character or did you have to help him along?
He has very much found the character. Nobody had any doubts about his ability to act. The biggest challenge was he’s Doctor No. 12. He was constantly worried he had 11 Doctors he might be mimicking. Pretty much anything you do in some ways is going to mimic some other Doctor. Becoming completely your own Doctor is fine when you’re No. 2, but a much greater challenge when you’re No. 12 and you have the 50-year history. I think he was truly challenged by that concept. But even when I saw the very first footage from the first episode, which I was privileged enough to see as soon as I arrived, it was clear he knew exactly who he was as a Doctor. For me, David Tennant and Matt Smith, both of whom I absolutely adore, are these young, romantic Doctors. When I went to interview, before they had even announced Peter, they said, ‘We’re going to go back to the older Doctors.’ Not age, just a slightly grumpier, more complicated Doctor. They chose a different direction and different type of Doctor. For me, [Peter] is the Doctor now because that’s what I have been living with for the last four months.



What do you do as a director to help him ?
At one point, I said to him, ‘That scene wasn’t necessarily how I imagined it but it was so clearly your Doctor that it was a revelation to me how well it worked as your Doctor.’ And he said, ‘Thank you.’ Because what I had said was, ‘You are your Doctor.’ That was the most I could do. Peter is such an incredible actor and so vertsatile, you’re not telling him how to act in any way as a director. He also likes to give you a lot of variety in performance so there’s no difficulty to say, ‘Try it a different way.’ .



How did people in the United Kingdom – customs officers, cabbies, waiters – react when they heard you were in the country to direct two Dr. Who episodes? He’s an icon in the United Kingdom.
They will either say, ‘I don’t watch it, often, because it scared the hell out of me when I was a kid’ or ‘My nephew or my uncle or my brother is the biggest fan.’ In terms of me, I am just known as the Tank Girl director. And there’s a lot of attention to the fact that I am a woman. There’s very little attention to the fact that I am North American. There’s a lot on the Internet, questions about the fact that there have been so few women – even fewer women writers than directors. There’s been attention to that. To my surprise, the Internet has been incredibly kind – so far. I should not jinx anything. It has been kind about it being offered to me.
Mr. Capaldi, I am sure, will be the Doctor for quite some time but do you think it’s time for them to consider a female Doctor?
They should consider whoever seems right for the role at that moment and things changed. There were some definite discussions and rumours that it might be a woman this time and it didn’t come to pass. I’m not really privy to those conversations. I would embrace that absolutely, but I don’t think it needs to happen. I think it has to be true to who’s right to be the Doctor at that point.



Why has Doctor Who lasted for 51 years?
Time travel and science fiction are great topics. It allows for massive variety. They have been very smart on touching on elemental stories in a Brothers Grimm kind of way. There has been a love of the series itself that has just grown and grown. But it also has an incredibly strong human element. I am amazed, in my episodes, how much humanity is in there. I look through the episodes of this season and they’re so varied. That helps too. You don’t have to like every episode. There’s something for the boffins. There’s something that harkens back to 1963 and 1968 and there’s something that is entirely new but there’s very elemental themes.



You said there’s something for the boffins?
That’s a British term for the nerds, for the people who want to know every single detail, everything about time and space and space travel and how that relates to every single episode of Doctor Who. There are the people who have watched every single episode and will analyze specifically how this relates to that. It’s a hard series. My parents who did not know Doctor Who because it’s actually after their time because they are elderly. They asked, ‘What should we watch?’ It’s hard to explain because it is so mythic, the size of it. You can dip into specific episodes but it means so much more if you have some history of the relationships, of regeneration and who was the Doctor before and how that relates to this. They are individual episodes with their own stories but they almost always touch on things that have happened in the past and who the Doctor was in the past. When the 50th anniversary episode came out at Christmas, Mark Gatiss did a docudrama about the first episode called An Adventure in Space and Time. That’s what I have given to everybody who said, ‘Where do I start?’ It’s a wonderful piece of work that tells you the history of the very first episode. That’s where I start people at.
How much latitude, as a filmmaker, did you have to put your own stamp on the material and, in a way, on the Doctor as well?
I don’t think you put your own stamp on the Doctor. The Doctor is the Doctor. It would be wrong to come in with a whole new point of view. You have a dialogue with your actors, but it would be wrong to be creating something new. Because every episode is completely different – it’s its own world. Where is it taking place? Am I doing Victorian England? Am I doing the future? Am I doing a new planet? How am I presenting that? And they embraced that. My scripts were so wonderful. All I did was embrace such great writing.



How have you juggled your TV directing assignments with your responsibilities at UBC?
It’s a challenge. UBC has been quite flexible with me. In this case, I happen to be on sabbatical this year. It happened to all work out beautifully. I’ve had to definitely teach rather than direct. Sometimes if I have a local job – a regular TV episode is only three weeks – I’ll just bring my students and make it part of the class. That’s a great thing about production. Being on set is critical for them.

It’s interesting. I used to sometimes show clips of Doctor Who. You would always get people who would go, ‘Oh?’ Showing Doctor Who would always get a few people in class thrilled. It would be like, ‘Oh my God. My old prof is hip enough to be showing us Doctor Who.’ I like to give students specific scenes to break down. ‘How would you shoot this?’ And, after we break them down, ‘OK. How did I shoot this?’ What choices did the director make?’ When critics talk about things, they ascribe intent. Frequently, it has nothing to do with what you were trying to do. It’s what happened at that time. Ninety-eight per cent of it is problem solving. It’s great that it’s perfect in your head when you read it, but what happened on set? And how are you going to solve that? That’s your UBC education in a nutshell.
Follow Ian Bailey on Twitter: @ianabailey
小贴士:以下为IMDb网站Rachel Talalay的个人简介
Rachel Talalay was born in Chicago Illinois. Her parents, Paul and Prudence, moved to Baltimore to work/teach at Johns Hopkins when she was 4 years old. After studying Applied Mathematics at Yale University, she worked as a computer programmer at Johns Hopkins University. During this time, she met Director John Waters and entered the movie business as a production assistant on his 'Polyester', starring Divine. Here she met Robert Shaye, head of New Line Cinema, and started a long relationship which led to her work on the "Nightmare on Elm Street" films, culminating her relationship with directing "Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare". From there she continued her directing career, moving into television, and working on a wide variety of projects from family entertainment "Wind in the Willows" to Horror "Supernatural" to Comedy "Ally McBeal". In 2014 she became the first American and seventh woman to direct "Doctor Who".



  • 胖丁顿熊
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  • Mademoiselle B
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克拉拉终于!走了!就算皮卡是实在太帅气了,也不能接受他为了克拉拉要死要活毁坏自己原则的情节!(啊为什么每个编辑都想要证明自己的companion是最特别的呢?我是真心神烦Clara啊!)#It's 2017, and I'm still not over Donna..#

  • HALF
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  • Joel
  • 力荐

For a moment I thought it was Rose, then again, it's 120 percent Donna. 对我而言整个这一季都是In memory of Donna TOT #IfOnly系列# The long way round TOT

  • 花岛仙藏
  • 力荐

总体水平可能没有S4和S5那么高,但这绝对是魔法特接手以来写得最认真的season finale,想都没想到克拉拉最后能用control freak这种神经病属性戳我泪点,也想不到百万夫妇竟然还能.....【mentally paralyzed now

  • CharlesChou
  • 力荐

结尾致敬了four knocks,致敬了donna,致敬了Amy&Rory,回归了run you clever boy和screwdriver,但剧情还是失望,4.5 billion years为了这个……你当初也只是烧掉一颗星星说再见啊,现在想毁掉整个时间线去救一个人?……但还是想给911和907的那段演讲五星……

  • Sophie Z
  • 推荐

4.5 Run, you clever girl. 完全没料到自己会很喜欢Clara和Ashildr的结局。她偷了辆Tardis,带上了个等待的女孩,开始逃离开始冒险,就像博士那样,Clara Who。博士和Clara最后都意识到了自己的极限和错误,记忆化作故事,她给他心里留下个洞,他给了她宇宙无垠

  • SundanceKid🌈
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  • mOco
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为什么Doctor和Clara这一对真的是一点都爱不起来呢…… 满脑子都是小十和Rose分别的场景 真的是一点一点一点都不喜欢12啊 最后两集的各种梗到底什么鬼!!还好最后的预告里River回来了 要不真的是被这剧情无聊死

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一个巨坑已挖好,嗑着瓜子看魔法特如何手忙脚乱地填坑,后来发现坑多的自己已不知道他是在填坑还是挖坑了。4.5 billion years这个真是让人又感动又心疼又觉得嫉妒,为什么这种心思不花在Amy身上?但不得不说这季的台词真棒。

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  • yyb
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oh yeah!我最喜欢的儿童剧又开播了!魔法特你快点去死吧。

  • 小波福娃
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  • 饭扫光
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魔法特他妈气的我每周少活一年。finale超级做作…………missing Donna

  • HHG🥱
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克拉拉的结局真是美妙。通过被冻结在死前的最后一刻而获得了某种意义上的永生,不停地run run run与死神赛跑;与我们第一次见到她时一样,死神与她如影随形,却似乎永远碰不到她。她最终彻底主宰了自己的命运,包括死亡——一个属于控制狂的美妙结局。

  • MarySaid
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